3:23 pm, Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Research: Bangladesh needs highly skilled teachers to assess students better

  • Press Release
  • Update Time : 02:12:32 pm, Wednesday, 6 March 2024
  • 6 Time View

A research paper on Teacher Effectiveness presented at a recent global conference in South Africa shows that Bangladesh needs highly skilled teachers to assess students better.

As there are complaints about the delivery of engaging lessons in Bangladeshi schools, research shows that very few teachers in the country are skilled in teaching in accordance with each student’s learning pace and style.

Principal of DPS STS School Dhaka, Dr Shivananda CS, said that schools can offer actionable feedback promoting teachers’ fast-paced development with objective lesson observation criteria.

“More highly skilled and trained teachers are needed in Bangladesh. Many schools often complain about needing a pool of trained and skilled teachers to deliver engaging lessons,” he stated.

“I hope the research findings will help my fellow peers discover more about teacher effectiveness and help augment teaching quality.”

Dr Shivananda is the sole educator from the country to present a paper in the “Schools Now!” conference, organized by the British Council in Cape Town, to promote innovations in teaching and learning and share experiences among its partner schools.

Highlighting the need for learning differentiation to achieve high learning outcomes, the research has observed that very few teachers are accustomed to the customized teaching-learning methods that allow each student to learn and grow uniquely.

It has further provided evidence of rapid skills development when schools set measurable goals for each teacher if they receive customized training support.

Regarding this, Dr Shivananda pointed out that among their peers, there are teachers whose lesson delivery level exceeds a score of 4.5 out of 5 and who can also train their fellow teachers.

The research project, involving K-12 (kindergarten to 12th grade) teachers, commenced in November 2020 and is reviewed annually considering the data gathered after more than 2,500 lesson observations.

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Research: Bangladesh needs highly skilled teachers to assess students better

Update Time : 02:12:32 pm, Wednesday, 6 March 2024

A research paper on Teacher Effectiveness presented at a recent global conference in South Africa shows that Bangladesh needs highly skilled teachers to assess students better.

As there are complaints about the delivery of engaging lessons in Bangladeshi schools, research shows that very few teachers in the country are skilled in teaching in accordance with each student’s learning pace and style.

Principal of DPS STS School Dhaka, Dr Shivananda CS, said that schools can offer actionable feedback promoting teachers’ fast-paced development with objective lesson observation criteria.

“More highly skilled and trained teachers are needed in Bangladesh. Many schools often complain about needing a pool of trained and skilled teachers to deliver engaging lessons,” he stated.

“I hope the research findings will help my fellow peers discover more about teacher effectiveness and help augment teaching quality.”

Dr Shivananda is the sole educator from the country to present a paper in the “Schools Now!” conference, organized by the British Council in Cape Town, to promote innovations in teaching and learning and share experiences among its partner schools.

Highlighting the need for learning differentiation to achieve high learning outcomes, the research has observed that very few teachers are accustomed to the customized teaching-learning methods that allow each student to learn and grow uniquely.

It has further provided evidence of rapid skills development when schools set measurable goals for each teacher if they receive customized training support.

Regarding this, Dr Shivananda pointed out that among their peers, there are teachers whose lesson delivery level exceeds a score of 4.5 out of 5 and who can also train their fellow teachers.

The research project, involving K-12 (kindergarten to 12th grade) teachers, commenced in November 2020 and is reviewed annually considering the data gathered after more than 2,500 lesson observations.